Mike Anderson | Digital Designer

I'm a versatile, strategic designer with a deep love for collaboration. As a former writer, my visual work is the bridge between copy and graphics.

Currently: Freelance digital designer.

Formerly: Marketing & Product Design at Landed, Content Design at Pandora, and Content Writing & Marketing at NerdWallet. Past clients include Mazda, Bathing Culture, and Initialized.


I'm a driven, gentle, and empathetic Midwesterner based in San Francisco's Richmond District. I create digital products, brand collateral, brand identities, websites and everything in-between.

I've been designing professionally since 2019, after several years in content writing & marketing. I currently freelance for both established brands and small businesses looking to define their visual identity.


Visual Design in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign & After Effects

UX/UI Design

Prototyping in Figma, Sketch & Adobe XD

Presentation Design in Google Slides, Keynote & Powerpoint

Digital Illustration


Content Marketing & Content Strategy

Front-end Development in Webflow, HTML & CSS

Project Management

Mike Anderson headshot
Mike Anderson photo


I believe that good design should ultimately make our lives easier and more delightful.

Paramount to that mission is making information as accessible and easy to understand as possible. I'm in a unique position to make that happen: With my design and content writing experience, I flex between interface and content design as I craft human-centered experiences and products.